Pastiches are another way for artists to recontextualize ideas into contemporary culture. In season 5 of Americas Next Top Model we see the photographer Barry Lategan take traditional pieces of classic art and photograph them as modern interpretations. They picked 5 original art works, all well known and recognizable in modern culture but photographed them how they believed the images would be interpreted today. The works that they chose were; The Mona Lisa, Whistler’s Mother, The Birth of Venus, Girl with a Pearl Earring and Vitruvian Man. These images were shot for an advertising campaign for ‘Quench body lotion’ and by using these iconic art forms they capture a wide range of viewers into the advertising campaign.
Mona Lisa |
Mona Lisa, Bre ANTM |
Whistler's Mother |
Whistler's Mother, Jayla ANTM |
Birth of Venus |
Birth of Venus, Kim ANTM |
Girl with Pearl Earring |
Girl with Pearl Earring, Nicole ANTM |
Vitruvian Man |
Vitruvian Man, Nik ANTM |
I really like what Barry Lategan has done with these images. My favourite from the series is 'Girl with Pearl Earring' this is because the expression he has captured on the models face compliments the original image well while still adding something new to the image. Overall i would say that he has successfully interpreted within contemporary culture.